
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

History of Modern International Law in 19th and 20th Centuries

This episode explains 18 instances of development in the history of Modern Interntional Law. 

1.  1815 – Congress of Vienna – Series of international diplomatic meetings to discuss a new European order post the downfall of Napoleon that led to agreements on national boundaries within Europe, Neutrality Pacts, freedom of navigation. 
2.  1823 – Monroe Doctrine by James Monroe, then President of US - Any intervention by external powers in the politics of the Americas is a potentially hostile act against the US. 
3.  1824 – Calvo Doctrine –  Jurisdiction in international investment disputes lies with the country in which the investment is located. (Carlos Calvo, Argentine Jurist). Used mostly in International Investment Law. 
4.  1842 – Treaty of Nanking – Ended the First Opium War between Britain and Qing Dynasty – Its provisions involved cession of Hong Kong to the crown. Was considered an unequal treaty. 
5.  1864 – First Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field. 
6.  1865 – Establishment of International Telegraph Union to deal with international interconnection, standardization of equipment, tariffs etc. 
7.  1871 – Sino-Japanese Friendship and Trade Treaty – Mutual pledge for friendship and cooperation, exchange of ambassadors, trade related provisions. 
8.  1899 – First Hague Peace Conference – Establishment of Permanent Court of Arbitration. 
9.  1914-1918 – First World War
10.  1919 – Treaty of Versailles – Disarmament of Germany, payment of reparations by Germany, territorial concessions etc. 
11.  1920 – Paris Peace Conference – Establishment of League of Nations – a worldwide intergovernmental organization to maintain world peace. 
12.  1920 - Establishment of Permanent Court of International Justice.  
13.  1923 - Establishment of the Hague Academy of International Law 
14.  1928 – Kellogg-Briand Pact – International Agreement on peace – was aimed at preventing the second world war. 
15.  1939-1945 – Second World War
16.  26.06.1945 – Signing of Charter of United Nations 
17.  18.04.1946 – Replacement of Permanent Court of International Justice by International Court of Justice. 
18.  10.12.1948 – Adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights by UN GA.

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