
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Constituent Assembly Debates on the Importance of Leader of the Opposition

In the last two posts (Part I and Part II), we read about the genesis and importance of the post of leader of the opposition in both the houses of the Parliament. In the present article, I would highlight the observations made with respect to the importance of leader of the opposition in the Constituent Assembly Debates (CAD).

Some of these observations are relevant today as well. The importance of a healthy opposition cannot be undermined. I just hope that we have an effective and healthy opposition in the new Lok Sabha. Here are the views presented by some of the members of the Constituent Assembly with respect to importance of leader of the opposition.

1. And who is to create public opinion? Who is to make the public aware and take interest in the doings of Government, unless there is opposition in House to bring all the actions of Government in to the lime-light? Everyone knows that in these days the functions of Government have grown and any party which wants to be wide-awake and effective must be a whole time opposition. You cannot have a whole-time opposition unless there is a leader who devotes all his time and energy to fostering responsible opposition throughout the country. It is not necessary only to have an opposition in the House, but that opposition must be broad-based; it must have public opinion throughout the country to back it. I therefore feel that you cannot have a vigorous and wide-awake opposition working in the legislature and outside unless it has a leader who is a whole-time worker and it paid, as is done in England and other countries.” - Mr. Z.H. Lari (United Provinces: Muslim)

2. At the very outset of parliamentary democracy, we must not create a condition in the country wherein one-party Government becomes permanent and a party thinks that it has come into power and it is has to remain in power for all time to come. It is necessary to create a psychological change.

If this amendment is inserted the public at large and everybody will feel that the Constitution itself recognises the existence of the Leader of the Opposition and that when he criticises or attacks the Government and carries on agitation in the countryside and rouses public opinion against the party's misdeeds, really he is doing a duty assigned to him by the Constitution.” - Mr. Z.H. Lari (United Provinces: Muslim)

3. “Without any opposition party, the very tolerance which an effective opposition will engender among the majority Party, is lost. As soon as some criticism is made, some Members of majority Party get impatient. As soon as arguments are advanced, the so-called prestige of the Government is supposed to be at stake, and therefore those arguments are opposed, resented, and sometimes treated with indifference and contempt.” - Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad (West Bengal: Muslim)

4. “I submit, Sir, that the want of an effective opposition induces the Government to proceed in a careless fashion, regardless of public opinion. And what has been the result? People outside lose all interest in the proceedings. They believe that in the Assembly, the Members have nothing to do beyond crying "ditto" to what is said by the Government. I submit that this is not good or healthy for the growth of a real democracy.

I would submit that the Leader of the Opposition should not only be given pay, but ample secretariat facilities. Those members who had the unfortunate, and unpalatable duty of opposing the Government felt the difficulty of the absence of secretariat help, and in those circumstances opposition has not grown very much. It is therefore the patriotic duty of every Member of this House to see that an effective opposition grows.” - Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad (West Bengal: Muslim)

5. If you want to be a stable government if you want to be in the good books of the people, if you are not desirous of creating anti-Congress feeling in the Country which is growing very fast, if you think that you should keep the people from joining the forces of disorder and chaos, it is very necessary to consider this matter very seriously. It is very necessary for you to create an opposition, if necessary be some members volunteering to go to the opposition and making it healthy and strong. It is by such recognition and encouragement that you can create a healthy opposition.

Now there is a feeling in the country that the party in power is all too powerful. In fact, there is a feeling even amongst the Members of that Party that the party is all-too powerful and that individual members have no liberty. Even the Press of late has not been very articulate. In fact, the debates in the House which put the Government in an inconvenient light are hardly reported in the Press and it is hinted that this is due to some unofficial pressure on the part of Government.” - Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad (West Bengal: Muslim)

6. “Sir, although I do not support Mr. Lari's amendment I think he has raised on important constitutional issue which the House should consider. I am not an admirer of the British constitution. They have got the party system which I think strikes at the very root of democracy. We are told that in that country there is opposition and the Leader of the Opposition is paid. It is a sound principle. In this country we have just got freedom, and our own party i.e., the Congress Party, has got no opposition to it. I have seen how things have been going on here and I feel that there must be a strong opposition to criticise our actions and review them. In the Mahabharata we find Bhishma and Arjuna fighting in opposition to each other and there Bhishma tells Arjuna how to kill Bhishma himself. In the same way I think that Government is good which creates and encourages opposition and which is always ready to retire. A Government which does not like opposition and always wants to be in power is not a patriotic but a traitor Government. In several provinces, in my own province of Bihar, I know what is happening. There is no opposition to the Congress Government and all sorts of scandals are going on. I therefore feel that there should be an opposition to criticise Government and this opposition should be encouraged. This need not be in the constitution itself but we must consider it as soon as the constitution is passed.” - Shri Ramnarayan Singh (Bihar: General)

7. Mr. President: I will now put the amendments to vote one by one.

The question is:

That in article 86 the words 'and until provision in that respect is so made allowances at such rates and upon such conditions as were immediately before the date of commencement of this Constitution applicable in the case of members of the legislature of the Dominion of India' be deleted and the following new proviso be inserted:-
Provided that salary payable to member of the Parliament shall not be less than one fourth or more than one-third payable to a Cabinet Minister.
And provided further that the Leader of the Opposition shall be entitled to get salary payable to a Minister without Cabinet rank.”

8. Heavyweights like Ambedkar, T.T. Krishnamachari, M.A. Ayyangar and Dr. P. S. Deshmukh did not support the constitutional recognition of ‘leader of the opposition’. Thus the amendment was finally negatived by the Constituent Assembly.

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